Who We Are?

Agrigenomics Hub Project is carried out under the Competitive Sectors Programme, financed within the framework of the financial cooperation of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey and implemented by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.

New AgriFood systems are being adopted as innovation in agriculture production. In Turkey, a new world-class Biotechnology research innovation facility has been established to utilise biotechnologies in AgriFood sectors. This Facility is developing as the National site, for information, training and partner projects on genomic biotechnology application, for R&D sectors, and for the SME enterprise interested to transform new AgriFood research or business ideas into commercial outcomes.

The Biotechnology [Genomics] Facility, is in stage 2 of a mission to be Turkey’s, and the region’s premier partner to design, prototype and trial new Biotechnology [Genomics] products. Phase 2 is establishing the service Hub for applications in the AgriFood sectors. This will provide analysis, testing and mentor services for researchers and business enterprises.

This new Biotechnology [Genomics] Facility, is know as the AgriGenomics Hub. The purpose of the AgriGenomics Hub is to increase the R&D, product development and competitiveness of SMEs in AgriFood sectors of Turkey. For this, the AgriGenomics Hub has a unique and innovative portfolio of services and high-tech equipment not found elsewhere in our region. The Hub currently has two functional partners as the core management group. These are Technical Operational Partner, Ankara University, Agriculture Faculty, Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory [eGL], and the Administrative Partner as Ankara University Technology Transfer Office [TTO] within Ankara University Technopolis.

In these initial stages our AgriGenomics Hub is co-financed by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey, supported within the scope of the Competitive Sectors Program of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and carried out by Ankara University Technopolis. To build from the support of the EU/Turkey sponsors, and sustain the Hub as a productive profitable business, the management and operational structure model of the Hub has excellence in Technology application and Excellence in Clients service as the focus. The sustaining vision for the AgriGenomics Hub is built on delivering key goals of: Supporting our researchers in identifying discoveries that can be protected and licensed; Increasing awareness of researchers on intellectual property rights, insuring effective management of intellectual property rights; Developing stronger academic – industry cooperation mechanisms; Encouraging entrepreneurship across AgriFood sectors; Supporting transition mechanisms for SME to adopt genomic biotechnology into business systems, and Supporting student talent, as well as Faculty and Researchers on entrepreneurship with business Enterprises.

The gain for the AgriFood sectors in Turkey, from the development and interactive partnership of SMEs with the AgriGenomics Hub is to adopt a transition to use of genomic biotechnology in agriculture systems, as this can led to reduce grow-out production costs; improve quality of agriculture commodity; and accelerate new product time to market. The AgriGenomics Hub of Ankara University Technopolis offers a world-class and unique opportunity for AgriFood sector business enterprises and researchers to develop and apply high-tech innovation into business process to help build a sustainable future.


To continually provide tailored innovative solutions to help anyone integrate genome biotechnologies into their businesses.


Developing sustainable agriculture with innovative genome biotechnology solutions.


Quality, Passion, Innovation, Confidence, Talent.

T.C. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı
Ankara Üniversitesi
Ankara Üniversitesi Teknokent
Rekabetçi Sektörler Programı